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We've been providing businesses with card payment services since 1997. As part of Lloyds Bank, we're backed by centuries of financial expertise and a strong belief in collaborative banking. By getting to know your business, we'll tailor our services to suit the way you operate.

Select a category

From transaction queries to how to change your address, we’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions and answered them here.

Making a change

  • Change of Bank Details requests (COBDs) must be made in writing, on company headed paper and signed by a director, proprietor, partner or owner of the business, and sent to:

    Lloyds Cardnet
    Janus House
    Endeavour Drive
    SS14 3WF

    The letter must clearly state:

    • The existing account number and sort code
    • The new account number and sort code
    • Any instruction to split funding
    • Whether you are an Omnipay merchant i.e. you trade in foreign currency

    All COBDs must also include:

    • A void cheque for the new business bank account (if non Lloyds) or GIRO slip or an original copy of a letter from the branch with confirmation of the sort code and account number.
    • A newly completed MSIP Direct Debit Mandate form
    • A completed Additional Information form. This will be used to maintain our Customer Due Diligence records

    All COBDs will enter into a Service Level Agreement terminating 14 days after we have received all the required information.

    N.B. if the legal entity or the people named on the bank account have changed then you’ll need to request a Change in Legal Entity. If the type of business has changed then your request will be processed as a new account.

  • Requests to change your Account Address or Bill to Address must be made in writing, on company headed paper signed by a director, proprietor, partner or owner of the business, and sent to:

    Lloyds Cardnet
    Janus House
    Endeavour Drive
    SS14 3WF

    All signatories are checked before the change is made. If the signatory is not authorised or not recognised we will make contact to advise you of this. We will need a qualifying signature before the change of address can be made.

    Please note, qualifying signature is any signature from the sole proprietor, partner or director of the business which we have prior knowledge of.

  • Should you be thinking of closing your Cardnet Merchant account, we’re here to help. Please speak to one of our team on 0800 161 5393.

  • You can request a change in legal entity through our customer enquiry lead form.

  • Yes, you may be charged. This will be discussed with your client delivery team upon application.

  • Once you’ve sent off your completed form an adviser will call you within three working days to complete the contract.

  • Once you’ve provided all the information required and the contract has been agreed it may take up to 7-10 working days to set up your new account.

  • An adviser will be in touch with you within 3 working days once you submit your form. If you have any urgent queries please call 01268 567100. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm.

  • If you have a separate terminal agreement you’ll need to contact the leasing company to make the change. See our useful numbers (PDF, 73KB) for contact details.

General questions

  • You don’t have to be a customer of Lloyds Bank to use Cardnet. We assess each business individually to ensure we provide the right service for your business, whether it is a small business or large corporation.

  • As no two businesses are the same, Lloyds Bank Cardnet works with you to ensure we provide the right service at a competitive price:

    • Your joining fee covers setting up your account and includes a minimum 6-month agreement.
    • Credit cards are charged as a percentage of the value of payments.
    • Debit cards are charged as a percentage of the value of payments.
    • Your card machine rental will depend on which model you choose. This will be a separate to the agreement that you hold with Cardnet.

    We can discuss our charges with you in more detail when you contact us.

  • Before a Lloyds Bank Cardnet account can be set up for you, you will need to have a business current account in place. Once you have this and you select a card machine, your account will be set up. This will happen within 7-10 days of your application, subject to our terms and conditions.

  • Your funds should arrive in your business bank account within five working days of the transaction, if the settlement is made in sterling. A faster settlement option is available at an additional cost if chosen by the customer.

  • A point of sale (POS) is quite literally a location or system where a customer exchanges money for goods and services. A POS system allows a business to accept and process secure payments from customers, and keep track of sales. A modern POS system is usually either digital, where a transaction may occur virtually online or over the phone, or a form of card terminal that’s either fixed or portable, or a combination of the two.


    A point of sale system should allow your business to:

    • Calculate the total amount owed for any given sale
    • Accept payment by cash, card or virtually 
    • Issue an electronic or printed  receipt
    • Record the details of the transaction


    Today’s POS systems have additional features such as the ability to manage inventory, create reports that detail trend and customer habits, as well as connect to other supporting software to help bring multiple customer transaction outlets into one system.

  • Your customer.
    The person who owns or is using the payment card. Also known as the ‘cardholder’.

    Your company.
    The business making the sale, i.e., you. Also known as the ‘merchant’.

    Your payments company.
    Usually known as the ‘acquirer’, e.g., Lloyds Bank Cardnet. They provide merchant services, including supplying a card machine, processing payments for you, and putting the money in your bank account.

    The Customer’s card scheme.
    This is the payment network the customer’s card is linked to, e.g., Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Card schemes link the acquirer and the issuing bank.

    The Customer’s bank.
    The bank that issues your customer’s credit or debit card.

  • Processing card payments isn’t that different to cash. Whether you take payments using a card machine or through your website, or even over the phone, it’s easy to see what you’ve taken at the end of each day through our reporting tools. In terms of your set-up, taking card payments only requires a phone line or a computer or tablet with internet connection, so even businesses without a premises are able to process payments quickly and easily.

  • There are the six things you need to do before you apply for Lloyds Bank Cardnet:

    Get a business bank account. To set up your Lloyds Bank Cardnet merchant account, we'll need your business bank account sort code and account number. You don't have to bank with Lloyds Bank or Bank of Scotland.

    Have your start date ready. It's worth allowing 10-15 working days from the date of your application for your Lloyds Bank Cardnet account to be set up.

    Complete your business plan. To make sure we set up the right facilities, we like to see a recent business plan and financial forecasts showing how you plan to grow or sustain your business.

    Know your turnover. Lloyds Bank Cardnet is suitable for all types and size of business, but makes most sense if you're taking at least £1,000 in card transactions per month.

    Be prepared to trade securely and be compliant. Businesses accepting cards must comply with mandatory card industry security standards known as PCI DSS. We have an online portal where you can certify your compliance, or, if you are not already compliant, there is an online tool to help you become validated (subject to payment of a fee).

    If you want to trade online, please have all the information required available. You will need to link our card acceptance facility with your website and integrate with your chosen Payment Service Provider (PSP). The PSP in this instance can be Lloyds Bank Online Payments from Lloyds Bank Cardnet, or a 3rd party PSP of your choice.

  • The main difference is in how connected the two solutions are to your other systems, and the degree of automation they offer for key tasks like reconciliation. Traditional POS capabilities will enable you to accept payments in all the usual ways, and print receipts and analyse payment data with online reporting tools.

    An ePOS solution will provide greater functionality and automation supported by cloud-based software and app-led functionality that supports a much richer set of solutions. ePOS can enable you to track sales, monitor staff performance and build the insight you need to improve and grow your business.

  • You can order Point of Sale, window stickers and till stickers from our customer support team. Visit: https://lloydsbank.com/business/take-payments-with-cardnet/pos/ and follow the instructions on our website.

  • You can request an additional outlet through our customer enquiry lead form. This will help us understand your needs and make sure that they are met.

  • Yes, you may be charged. This will be discussed with your client delivery team upon application.

  • Accepted card types

    Card type


    Electronic Processing

    Manual key entry

    Mail and telephone order*


    Purchase with Cashback*

    Card type 

    American Express

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    BC Global Card

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    Corporate, Commercial and Purchasing Cards

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    Debit Mastercard

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    Diners Club International

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    International Maestro

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    UPI (UnionPay International)

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    V PAY

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*

    Card type 

    Visa Credit

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    Visa Debit

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    * The acceptance of these facilities must also be agreed with Lloyds Bank Cardnet. For more information contact the Lloyds Bank Cardnet Helpline on 01268 567 100. Lines are open 8am to 9pm, Monday to Saturday.

    # Maestro cards can only be accepted over the internet if you are registered for MasterCard SecureCode. For more information about MasterCard SecureCode see page 48, section 4 (Accepting Transactions), or visit www.mastercardmerchant.com/securecode.

    † If permitted by the Issuer

    ** V PAY can only be accepted over the Internet if:

    •  permitted by the Issuer
    •  you are registered for Verified by Visa.

Card readers

  • A card reader generally refers to smaller devices that pair with a smartphone or tablet and allow you to process payments and refunds. These could be ideal for businesses that are new to cards, work seasonally or have a lower turnover.

    A card machine generally refers to a slightly larger and robust device that doesn’t require a smartphone, tablet or till system to operate. They’re well-suited for busy environments where customers tend to pay at their table, and are usually capable of more complex transaction types. 

  • A PDQ machine is a generic term for card readers that take card payments. It stands for ‘Process Data Quickly’ and was initially used back in the early 1980s to describe the technology behind the very first machines, though the phrase it is not commonly used today unlike Chip & PIN machine, credit card machine or payment terminal.

  • A card reader works by reading information from a customer's credit or debit card. It can do this in a number of ways, including:

    Chip & PIN – the card reader ‘reads’ an embedded chip that stores the customer’s 4-digit PIN.

    Contactless – the customer touches their card on or near the card reader which detects the customers details using a wireless technology called Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

    Mobile wallets (such as Apply Pay) – these are an app that use Near-Field Communication (NFC) to provide the card information.

    It only takes a few seconds for the cardholder and payment information to be transferred from the cardholder’s bank to the merchant’s acquiring bank or payment services provider using NFT. Once available funds are detected the transaction can be approved.

  • We have a range of card machines for small business operations as well as for larger, more established enterprises. Choosing one will depend on how you want to accept card payments, as well as how much flexibility you need. For businesses that prefer customers to pay at the till, a countertop card machine could be the best option.

    If you plan to offer a more flexible way to pay, such as taking payments at a table, then a portable card machine is better. If you need to sell away from your business premises then a mobile card reader is a good option.

  • A mobile card reader is great for businesses that need to sell away from their business premises, seasonally or on the road. A good option for trade shows, mobile outlets for food and drink or retail.

  • The main difference between mobile and portable card machines is connectivity. Mobile card readers generally make use of a SIM card to provide connectivity, which is great if you need to take payments away from your business premises, such as at a trade fair. Whereas portable card machines, also known as wireless card machines, generally connect to the broadband on your premises via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, allowing you to take payments throughout your premises – a good option for restaurants & cafes.

  • Portable card readers or machines enable you to take payments where your customers are, in and around your premises. This could be perfect for businesses that offer table service or have an outside space.

  • Yes – our portable card machines are designed to be plug and play and have a built-in battery. Simply connect your machine’s cradle to power, turn on the card machine and follow the on-screen instructions which will guide you through any necessary steps such as connecting to Wi-Fi or changing the default Supervisor PIN.

  • A countertop card machine is a great option if you want your customers to pay in one specific area.  Usually placed near or next to the till with a wired (Ethernet) connection, they can offer a fast and efficient way to accept payments and help you manage peak times and growing queues.

  • Yes - our countertop card machines are designed to plug and play. Simply connect your machine to power, turn it on and follow the on-screen instructions which will guide you through any necessary steps, such as connecting to a network or changing the default Supervisor PIN.

  • The main difference is to do with your contract. Our Mobile Point of Sale is a great option for small business card payments as it has no minimum contract or monthly fee. It’s even small enough to fit in your pocket, so whether you have a business premises or not, you can set up and start selling from anywhere.  

    The other mobile card readers and our portable and countertop machines all come with a range of contract options, where you pay a monthly rental charge.

  • mPOS or mobile point-of-sale allows you to accept customer card payments via a card reader paired with an app on a smartphone or tablet. It works by using your mobile phone’s, or tablet’s, Wi-Fi or 3G data connection to process the transaction. All you have to do is download the Lloyds Bank Cardnet App and connect your mobile phone to the device via Bluetooth. It’s designed for businesses that need to receive payments on the move.

  • The Lloyds Bank Cardnet App is downloadable from the App Store of your smartphone or tablet device and requires a log-in to be created by you. The email used should be the same as the email provided to Cardnet as part of your set up process. If you need to change this, just let us know by email LloydsBankCardnetmPOS@lloydsbanking.com

  • The card reader battery should last up to 8 hours before requiring a charge. It is possible to process transactions when the card reader is on charge.

  • A gratuity or tips functionality can be applied to your terminal. Should you wish to have this enabled, please email LloydsBankCardnetmPOS@lloydsbanking.com. Please note the 1.75% processing fee charge also applies to gratuities.

  • Your card reader is chargeable via a micro USB cable (one is included in your card reader box).


Contactless payments


Cardnet aims to give you the highest level of service. So if we make a mistake, or if there is something you feel we could do better, please tell us and we’ll do our best to put it right. 



PCI DSS and Security

  • PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It refers to a set of regulations put in place to help retailers prevent, detect and react properly to payment security incidents. Lloyds Bank Cardnet makes it easy to ensure your online shop is PCI DSS compliant.

    Visit our page on PCI DSS compliance for more details.

    If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Being PCI DSS compliant means demonstrating that your business is handling cardholder data safely and securely. You can keep only the essentials needed for your business such as name, account number or expiry date, provided these are stored in a compliant way.

    You can’t store the following information:

    • Information stored in the magnetic stripe
    • The three-digit number signature strip used for mail/telephone orders or online transactions
  • PCI DSS compliance is based on 12 requirements. The specific requirements that apply to your business depend on how you process credit cards.


    PCI DSS Requirements


    Build and maintain a secure network    

    PCI DSS Requirements

    1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect data
    2. Do not use default passwords for system and other security programs


    Protect Cardholder Data

    PCI DSS Requirements

    3. Protect stored cardholder data
    4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data and sensitive information across open public networks


    Maintain a vulnerability management program

    PCI DSS Requirements

    5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software
    6. Develop and maintain secure systems and applications


    Implement strong access control measures

    PCI DSS Requirements

    7. Restrict access to cardholder data to employees on a need-to-know basis
    8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access
    9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data


    Regularly monitor and test networks

    PCI DSS Requirements

    10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data
    11. Regularly test security systems and processes


    Maintain an information security policy

    PCI DSS Requirements

    12. Maintain a policy that addresses information security within your business

    To help you better understand these requirements, we have a dedicated PCI DSS help line you can call on 0330 808 0798 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday).

  • We write to all Cardnet merchants when they join us to explain their PCI DSS reporting options and how to use the Cardnet merchant PCI portal. The Cardnet merchant PCI portal offers a range of services and options to assist merchants with reporting, attaining and maintaining their compliance with PCI DSS, including a dedicated PCI Helpdesk and online chat facility.

    Merchants may choose to self-upload their compliance documents to the Cardnet PCI portal at no charge or opt for our assisted online reporting service or our Compliance Plus service.

  • You need to renew your PCI DSS compliance each year or at any time you change how you process card payments. This is to reflect possible changes to your processes or card acceptance equipment, and changes in the Standard itself as it adapts to new security threats or market requirements. Usually, PCI DSS compliance is far easier in subsequent years and won’t take as long to complete.

  • We have a dedicated team to help you become and stay compliant.

    Call on 0330 8080798 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) if you have any questions regarding PCI DSS.

  • If your business is processing card payments and you’re not yet compliant with PCI DSS, you are likely to be paying a monthly PCI DSS non-compliance charge. Your card acceptance services and machines could also be revoked.

  • If you have third parties involved in processing or storing card transaction data on your behalf, you need to ensure that they are compliant. Third parties can include software providers, payment service providers, web hosting companies, EPOS and till vendors, to name just a few.

  • From 14th March 2022 a greater level of authentication was introduced for online payments. Here are some useful documents we’ve developed to remind you of the process.

    SCA FAQ document (PDF, 152KB)

    Visa merchant bulletin (PDF, 611KB)

    EMV 3D Secure information (PDF, 2.87MB)

Contact numbers

Lloyds Bank Online payments

  • To start, you’ll need a website, products and services to sell on the website, and a shopping cart to facilitate the sales. You will also need a payment gateway to process your transactions and an acquiring bank to settle the funds into your bank account.

    Lloyds Bank Cardnet will serve as both your Online Payments Provider (payment gateway) and your acquiring bank. We also offer dedicated support for developers wanting to integrate our payment gateway with various types of shopping cart software.

  • A payment gateway allows you to accept payments for the items you sell via your website. In the checkout process on your ecommerce website, the gateway will handle the part where customers enter their payments details. It encrypts sensitive information, such as shoppers’ credit card numbers, to ensure payments are processed securely.

  • The payment gateway transfers the details of each transaction from your website to your acquiring bank. Without it, you couldn’t get paid for online sales.

  • An online shopping cart is a piece of software that allows your customers to select items to purchase via your website. The shopping cart merely catalogues a customer’s sections, but a payment gateway is required to process the payment.

  • An acquiring bank is a financial institution that transfers card payment funds from the customer’s bank (the card-issuing bank) into the merchant’s bank account. As a merchant, you pay the acquiring bank a Merchant Service Charge (MSC) for every card payment you accept.

    With Lloyds Bank Online Payments, Cardnet serves as your payment gateway as well as your acquiring bank, reducing setup and admin time.

  • Our pricing is clear and simple to understand, consisting of a flat monthly fee and a pence-per-transaction fee. These fees cover all features of Lloyds Bank Online Payments, including the Fraud Prevention tool.

    You will continue to pay a separate Merchant Service charge for Cardnet’s acquiring services.

  • You’ll be able to accept debit and credit card payments from Visa, Mastercard, Diners, Discover and American Express, as well as digital wallets Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal.

  • The Lloyds Bank Online Payments service comes with an advanced fraud screening tool to help protect you and your customers. This includes 3D Secure and automated cardholder address verification (AVS). It will also scan over 10,000 rules and patterns to determine whether a transaction is unusual and therefore more likely to be fraudulent.

    In addition to our fraud screening tool, we’ll also work closely with you or your web developer to ensure your online shop is fully PCI DSS compliant.

  • In order to set up a Hosted Payment Page you will need to create a merchant acquiring account with Cardnet. This usually takes between 7-10 working days, subject to application approval. The integration from the website to the hosted payment page will depend on your website requirements. Typically, this can take 2-4 weeks, but may take longer depending on what you need your website to do.

  • In order to set up with our integrated page you will need to create a merchant acquiring account with Cardnet. This usually takes between 7-10 working days, subject to application approval. As you are hosting the payment page on your own website, you should discuss the full requirements with your web developer to determine how long set up will take.

  • Contact us through our customer form on the developer information page and we’ll provide you with user credentials for our test environment, together with support material to help you get started.

  • If you use the Hosted Payment Page solution, Cardnet is responsible for processing and storing the payment data securely. If you choose an integrated payment page (API), you as the merchant are responsible for processing and storing the payment data. As a merchant, you are still responsible for completing your PCI DSS questionnaire.

Over-the-phone payments

Omnichannel payments

  • The main difference is that multichannel is when a business has a choice of channels for customers to buy products and services on, including online or face-to-face. Payments made on these channels are usually processed and managed separately. Omnichannel is when, regardless of channel used, every payment is connected through a payment gateway, giving the customer a more consistent and integrated shopping experience.

  • Customer payment data is encrypted to the highest industry standards, helping you deliver the highest levels of integrated payments security. You will also have access to a fraud screening tool that monitors customer activity and helps stop potentially fraudulent transactions being processed – protecting both your business and your customers from financial harm.

  • The omnichannel payment gateway can connect to mobile, in-store, click and collect, telephony and eCommerce channels.

  • Tokenisation is a system designed to replace a sensitive piece of data, like a customer’s card details, for a randomised number known as a ‘token’ that has no financial meaning or value. It allows a merchant to recognise the customer and their data the next time the card is used, keeping the customer’s card details securely stored within a payment gateway, meaning the merchant never sees any sensitive information and doesn’t have to worry about storing that data.

    Tokens can also help businesses to better understand customer requirements and behaviours, such as telling you the channel someone used, how they paid and even the amount they spent.


  • Clover Station Duo connects by wired internet (Ethernet) or by secure WPA2 WiFi as standard.

    Clover Mini connects by wired internet (Ethernet), secure WPA2 WiFi or 4G mobile signal (for additional cost).

    Clover Flex can connect by 4G (for additional cost) or by secure WPA2 WiFi.

  • Size and Portability are the key differences for these adaptable Clover devices. 

    Clover Flex is a portable handheld device supporting transactions both at the point of sale, at the table or even on-the-go with its Wi-Fi connectivity, but unlike some portable devices, it can also provide paper receipts if required.

    Clover Mini is a compact countertop device, great for point-of-sale transactions where space is limited but still with all the great features offered by the Clover range including receipt printing.

    Both devices can support your business as it grows with additional Software plans and Apps (from the Clover App Market) available. Additional charges may apply. 

  • You can begin the application process by getting in touch.

  • Clover has a very simple set up process and should be ready to work straight out of the box. For guides and handy set up videos, take look at the Device Setup pages on the Clover site.

  • Clover is available with an upfront or a monthly payment. The monthly cost will depend on which model you choose and will be separate to the agreement that you hold with Cardnet.

    We can discuss our charges with you in more detail when you contact us.

  • Clover has built-in multi-layer security that protects your business and reputation by safeguarding your customers’ card data with the latest security technology. All Clover devices are also fully PCI compliant to the most current standards. You will still need to comply with and attest to the PCI Data Security Standard.

  • Clover offers electronic receipts to help you cut down on paper waste. These digital receipts can be sent to a customer’s phone by text or emailed to them after a completed transaction.

  • All Clover devices include integrated thermal printers as part of the solution. Users of the legacy Clover Mobile can connect to an optional Bluetooth printer for printing paper receipts.

  • In addition to the support that we provide through our Cardnet helpdesk (01268 567100), Clover support is available from dedicated specialists. The dedicated Clover Client Care Team and eu.clover.com will be on hand to provide support for merchants using Clover day and night. This includes:

    • Dedicated and skilled Clover support specialists
    • Phone and email support
    • Service agents available 8am to 8pm

    You can contact our dedicated Clover Client Care Team at 01268 243807

    The Clover site also offers comprehensive FAQ and troubleshooting pages to help you solve any issues you might be having with your devices. A log in for this site is provided on set up of Clover. If you are unable to locate this information please call the Clover helpline on 01268 243807.

  • Clover Station Duo and Clover Mini can be connected to and use the cash drawer via the RJ-11 6P6C cable.

    Clover Flex is designed to be completely mobile. As such, it cannot be connected to a cash drawer.

    The cash drawer should only be connected to one Clover device at a time (for the purposes of cash log tracking), but it can be opened at anytime with a cash drawer key.

  • You can access the Clover App Market via the Clover devices themselves or through the Clover Web Dashboard on any connected device (laptop, tablet or smartphone).

    To install an app simply tap the app you wish to install. If there’s a subscription charge, tap the button next to the subscription plan you prefer. Tap Install or Subscribe, then the Accept & Install button to confirm the install.

  • The Clover App Market contains apps built by Clover and apps built by third parties. Some apps can be downloaded for free and some will require either a monthly subscription, metered billing, or a one-off payment.

    Your merchant account will be billed, via direct debit, for any app subscriptions or metered billing for apps you have subscribed to.

  • Clover is very adaptable and each device is designed either individually or in partnership with other Clover devices.

    Clover Flex has the additional benefit of connecting wirelessly to Clover Station Duo or Clover Mini, allowing staff to take orders and payments at the table or on the go, while the countertop device works as a central hub. 

  • Clover is compatible with a range of devices and peripherals, such as barcode scanners, cash drawers and additional printers.

  • Our reporting tools are complimentary to Clover. You can use Clover to track transactions while our reporting tools provide information on Chargebacks, fees and payment rejects.

    © 2025 The Clover trademark and logo are owned by Clover Network, Inc. a First Data company. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks, service marks, and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners.

Service fees

  • Interchange is a fee paid by Card Acquirers (such as Lloyds Bank Cardnet) to Card Issuers (banks) for the processing of each individual card payment transaction.

    This fee covers the delivery and investment in a range of services associated with card payments, such as fraud prevention, systems maintenance, access to call centres and other facilities to make card payments an efficient and secure process.

    Acquirers include these interchange costs within their overall card processing fees for merchants.

  • Card Scheme Fees are fees paid by Card Acquirers (e.g. Cardnet) to the Card Schemes (e.g. Visa/MasterCard) on each individual transaction. These fees are set centrally by Card Schemes on an industry wide basis.

    Acquirers include these costs within their overall card processing fees for merchants.

Merchant Cash Advance

  • Once Liberis has been in touch with you the following will happen;

    1. Liberis will agree on a percentage split that will be taken from your customer card payments processed. This will be taken from your daily batched card transactions and will go to Liberis to pay your advance, the remaining balance will go to you.
    2. Liberis will agree on a price with you, which is one fixed cost added to your advance amount, so you know exactly what you’ll be paying.
    3. Once agreed, Liberis will then process your application. During this process, Liberis will look at your business and conduct some checks, such as affordability, credit, and insolvency.
    4. Once approved, you will receive the funds to use as you wish for your business.
  • The amount Liberis can fund you will depend on your business. Liberis will look at your monthly card transactions and provide a funding amount for your business.

  • Yes. You can choose the amount of funding you would like, and the percentage of your customer card transactions you would like to pay towards the advance. This determines the funding fee and ultimately overall amount you will pay.

  • When you submit a full application, Liberis will use a number of sources of information to help understand your business. Liberis carry out both company and consumer credit bureau searches, which will leave a record of the search on both credit files, visible to other finance providers. Your credit score won’t be affected when applying with Liberis but taking out a cash advance could affect your credit score.

  • Merchant Cash Advance is an unsecured way of accessing finance and is not a loan. This means your home is not at risk. Liberis will ask you for Personal Guarantees if you are applying as a limited company or limited liability partnership.

  • Your payments to Liberis are linked to the way you are trading which means there is no set period to pay. The payments will mirror your cashflow, so the time taken depends on your business sales.

    After 14 days, the fixed, upfront funding fee will still apply if you pay early, but there will be no early payment fees.

Select a category

From transaction queries to how to change your address, we’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions and answered them here.

From transaction queries to how to change your address, we’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions and answered them here.

Making a change

  • Change of Bank Details requests (COBDs) must be made in writing, on company headed paper and signed by a director, proprietor, partner or owner of the business, and sent to:

    Lloyds Cardnet
    Janus House
    Endeavour Drive
    SS14 3WF

    The letter must clearly state:

    • The existing account number and sort code
    • The new account number and sort code
    • Any instruction to split funding
    • Whether you are an Omnipay merchant i.e. you trade in foreign currency

    All COBDs must also include:

    • A void cheque for the new business bank account (if non Lloyds) or GIRO slip or an original copy of a letter from the branch with confirmation of the sort code and account number.
    • A newly completed MSIP Direct Debit Mandate form
    • A completed Additional Information form. This will be used to maintain our Customer Due Diligence records

    All COBDs will enter into a Service Level Agreement terminating 14 days after we have received all the required information.

    N.B. if the legal entity or the people named on the bank account have changed then you’ll need to request a Change in Legal Entity. If the type of business has changed then your request will be processed as a new account.

  • Requests to change your Account Address or Bill to Address must be made in writing, on company headed paper signed by a director, proprietor, partner or owner of the business, and sent to:

    Lloyds Cardnet
    Janus House
    Endeavour Drive
    SS14 3WF

    All signatories are checked before the change is made. If the signatory is not authorised or not recognised we will make contact to advise you of this. We will need a qualifying signature before the change of address can be made.

    Please note, qualifying signature is any signature from the sole proprietor, partner or director of the business which we have prior knowledge of.

  • Should you be thinking of closing your Cardnet Merchant account, we’re here to help. Please speak to one of our team on 0800 161 5393.

  • You can request a change in legal entity through our customer enquiry lead form.

  • Yes, you may be charged. This will be discussed with your client delivery team upon application.

  • Once you’ve sent off your completed form an adviser will call you within three working days to complete the contract.

  • Once you’ve provided all the information required and the contract has been agreed it may take up to 7-10 working days to set up your new account.

  • An adviser will be in touch with you within 3 working days once you submit your form. If you have any urgent queries please call 01268 567100. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm.

  • If you have a separate terminal agreement you’ll need to contact the leasing company to make the change. See our useful numbers (PDF, 73KB) for contact details.

General questions

  • You don’t have to be a customer of Lloyds Bank to use Cardnet. We assess each business individually to ensure we provide the right service for your business, whether it is a small business or large corporation.

  • As no two businesses are the same, Lloyds Bank Cardnet works with you to ensure we provide the right service at a competitive price:

    • Your joining fee covers setting up your account and includes a minimum 6-month agreement.
    • Credit cards are charged as a percentage of the value of payments.
    • Debit cards are charged as a percentage of the value of payments.
    • Your card machine rental will depend on which model you choose. This will be a separate to the agreement that you hold with Cardnet.

    We can discuss our charges with you in more detail when you contact us.

  • Before a Lloyds Bank Cardnet account can be set up for you, you will need to have a business current account in place. Once you have this and you select a card machine, your account will be set up. This will happen within 7-10 days of your application, subject to our terms and conditions.

  • Your funds should arrive in your business bank account within five working days of the transaction, if the settlement is made in sterling. A faster settlement option is available at an additional cost if chosen by the customer.

  • A point of sale (POS) is quite literally a location or system where a customer exchanges money for goods and services. A POS system allows a business to accept and process secure payments from customers, and keep track of sales. A modern POS system is usually either digital, where a transaction may occur virtually online or over the phone, or a form of card terminal that’s either fixed or portable, or a combination of the two.


    A point of sale system should allow your business to:

    • Calculate the total amount owed for any given sale
    • Accept payment by cash, card or virtually 
    • Issue an electronic or printed  receipt
    • Record the details of the transaction


    Today’s POS systems have additional features such as the ability to manage inventory, create reports that detail trend and customer habits, as well as connect to other supporting software to help bring multiple customer transaction outlets into one system.

  • Your customer.
    The person who owns or is using the payment card. Also known as the ‘cardholder’.

    Your company.
    The business making the sale, i.e., you. Also known as the ‘merchant’.

    Your payments company.
    Usually known as the ‘acquirer’, e.g., Lloyds Bank Cardnet. They provide merchant services, including supplying a card machine, processing payments for you, and putting the money in your bank account.

    The Customer’s card scheme.
    This is the payment network the customer’s card is linked to, e.g., Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Card schemes link the acquirer and the issuing bank.

    The Customer’s bank.
    The bank that issues your customer’s credit or debit card.

  • Processing card payments isn’t that different to cash. Whether you take payments using a card machine or through your website, or even over the phone, it’s easy to see what you’ve taken at the end of each day through our reporting tools. In terms of your set-up, taking card payments only requires a phone line or a computer or tablet with internet connection, so even businesses without a premises are able to process payments quickly and easily.

  • There are the six things you need to do before you apply for Lloyds Bank Cardnet:

    Get a business bank account. To set up your Lloyds Bank Cardnet merchant account, we'll need your business bank account sort code and account number. You don't have to bank with Lloyds Bank or Bank of Scotland.

    Have your start date ready. It's worth allowing 10-15 working days from the date of your application for your Lloyds Bank Cardnet account to be set up.

    Complete your business plan. To make sure we set up the right facilities, we like to see a recent business plan and financial forecasts showing how you plan to grow or sustain your business.

    Know your turnover. Lloyds Bank Cardnet is suitable for all types and size of business, but makes most sense if you're taking at least £1,000 in card transactions per month.

    Be prepared to trade securely and be compliant. Businesses accepting cards must comply with mandatory card industry security standards known as PCI DSS. We have an online portal where you can certify your compliance, or, if you are not already compliant, there is an online tool to help you become validated (subject to payment of a fee).

    If you want to trade online, please have all the information required available. You will need to link our card acceptance facility with your website and integrate with your chosen Payment Service Provider (PSP). The PSP in this instance can be Lloyds Bank Online Payments from Lloyds Bank Cardnet, or a 3rd party PSP of your choice.

  • The main difference is in how connected the two solutions are to your other systems, and the degree of automation they offer for key tasks like reconciliation. Traditional POS capabilities will enable you to accept payments in all the usual ways, and print receipts and analyse payment data with online reporting tools.

    An ePOS solution will provide greater functionality and automation supported by cloud-based software and app-led functionality that supports a much richer set of solutions. ePOS can enable you to track sales, monitor staff performance and build the insight you need to improve and grow your business.

  • You can order Point of Sale, window stickers and till stickers from our customer support team. Visit: https://lloydsbank.com/business/take-payments-with-cardnet/pos/ and follow the instructions on our website.

  • You can request an additional outlet through our customer enquiry lead form. This will help us understand your needs and make sure that they are met.

  • Yes, you may be charged. This will be discussed with your client delivery team upon application.

  • Accepted card types

    Card type


    Electronic Processing

    Manual key entry

    Mail and telephone order*


    Purchase with Cashback*

    Card type 

    American Express

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    BC Global Card

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    Corporate, Commercial and Purchasing Cards

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    Debit Mastercard

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    Diners Club International

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    International Maestro

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 


    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    UPI (UnionPay International)

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    V PAY

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*

    Card type 

    Visa Credit

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    Card type 

    Visa Debit

    Electronic Processing


    Manual key entry


    Mail and telephone order*




    Purchase with Cashback*


    * The acceptance of these facilities must also be agreed with Lloyds Bank Cardnet. For more information contact the Lloyds Bank Cardnet Helpline on 01268 567 100. Lines are open 8am to 9pm, Monday to Saturday.

    # Maestro cards can only be accepted over the internet if you are registered for MasterCard SecureCode. For more information about MasterCard SecureCode see page 48, section 4 (Accepting Transactions), or visit www.mastercardmerchant.com/securecode.

    † If permitted by the Issuer

    ** V PAY can only be accepted over the Internet if:

    •  permitted by the Issuer
    •  you are registered for Verified by Visa.

Card readers

  • A card reader generally refers to smaller devices that pair with a smartphone or tablet and allow you to process payments and refunds. These could be ideal for businesses that are new to cards, work seasonally or have a lower turnover.

    A card machine generally refers to a slightly larger and robust device that doesn’t require a smartphone, tablet or till system to operate. They’re well-suited for busy environments where customers tend to pay at their table, and are usually capable of more complex transaction types. 

  • A PDQ machine is a generic term for card readers that take card payments. It stands for ‘Process Data Quickly’ and was initially used back in the early 1980s to describe the technology behind the very first machines, though the phrase it is not commonly used today unlike Chip & PIN machine, credit card machine or payment terminal.

  • A card reader works by reading information from a customer's credit or debit card. It can do this in a number of ways, including:

    Chip & PIN – the card reader ‘reads’ an embedded chip that stores the customer’s 4-digit PIN.

    Contactless – the customer touches their card on or near the card reader which detects the customers details using a wireless technology called Radio Frequency Identification (RFID).

    Mobile wallets (such as Apply Pay) – these are an app that use Near-Field Communication (NFC) to provide the card information.

    It only takes a few seconds for the cardholder and payment information to be transferred from the cardholder’s bank to the merchant’s acquiring bank or payment services provider using NFT. Once available funds are detected the transaction can be approved.

  • We have a range of card machines for small business operations as well as for larger, more established enterprises. Choosing one will depend on how you want to accept card payments, as well as how much flexibility you need. For businesses that prefer customers to pay at the till, a countertop card machine could be the best option.

    If you plan to offer a more flexible way to pay, such as taking payments at a table, then a portable card machine is better. If you need to sell away from your business premises then a mobile card reader is a good option.

  • A mobile card reader is great for businesses that need to sell away from their business premises, seasonally or on the road. A good option for trade shows, mobile outlets for food and drink or retail.

  • The main difference between mobile and portable card machines is connectivity. Mobile card readers generally make use of a SIM card to provide connectivity, which is great if you need to take payments away from your business premises, such as at a trade fair. Whereas portable card machines, also known as wireless card machines, generally connect to the broadband on your premises via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, allowing you to take payments throughout your premises – a good option for restaurants & cafes.

  • Portable card readers or machines enable you to take payments where your customers are, in and around your premises. This could be perfect for businesses that offer table service or have an outside space.

  • Yes – our portable card machines are designed to be plug and play and have a built-in battery. Simply connect your machine’s cradle to power, turn on the card machine and follow the on-screen instructions which will guide you through any necessary steps such as connecting to Wi-Fi or changing the default Supervisor PIN.

  • A countertop card machine is a great option if you want your customers to pay in one specific area.  Usually placed near or next to the till with a wired (Ethernet) connection, they can offer a fast and efficient way to accept payments and help you manage peak times and growing queues.

  • Yes - our countertop card machines are designed to plug and play. Simply connect your machine to power, turn it on and follow the on-screen instructions which will guide you through any necessary steps, such as connecting to a network or changing the default Supervisor PIN.

  • The main difference is to do with your contract. Our Mobile Point of Sale is a great option for small business card payments as it has no minimum contract or monthly fee. It’s even small enough to fit in your pocket, so whether you have a business premises or not, you can set up and start selling from anywhere.  

    The other mobile card readers and our portable and countertop machines all come with a range of contract options, where you pay a monthly rental charge.

  • mPOS or mobile point-of-sale allows you to accept customer card payments via a card reader paired with an app on a smartphone or tablet. It works by using your mobile phone’s, or tablet’s, Wi-Fi or 3G data connection to process the transaction. All you have to do is download the Lloyds Bank Cardnet App and connect your mobile phone to the device via Bluetooth. It’s designed for businesses that need to receive payments on the move.

  • The Lloyds Bank Cardnet App is downloadable from the App Store of your smartphone or tablet device and requires a log-in to be created by you. The email used should be the same as the email provided to Cardnet as part of your set up process. If you need to change this, just let us know by email LloydsBankCardnetmPOS@lloydsbanking.com

  • The card reader battery should last up to 8 hours before requiring a charge. It is possible to process transactions when the card reader is on charge.

  • A gratuity or tips functionality can be applied to your terminal. Should you wish to have this enabled, please email LloydsBankCardnetmPOS@lloydsbanking.com. Please note the 1.75% processing fee charge also applies to gratuities.

  • Your card reader is chargeable via a micro USB cable (one is included in your card reader box).


Contactless payments


Cardnet aims to give you the highest level of service. So if we make a mistake, or if there is something you feel we could do better, please tell us and we’ll do our best to put it right. 



PCI DSS and Security

  • PCI DSS stands for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. It refers to a set of regulations put in place to help retailers prevent, detect and react properly to payment security incidents. Lloyds Bank Cardnet makes it easy to ensure your online shop is PCI DSS compliant.

    Visit our page on PCI DSS compliance for more details.

    If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

  • Being PCI DSS compliant means demonstrating that your business is handling cardholder data safely and securely. You can keep only the essentials needed for your business such as name, account number or expiry date, provided these are stored in a compliant way.

    You can’t store the following information:

    • Information stored in the magnetic stripe
    • The three-digit number signature strip used for mail/telephone orders or online transactions
  • PCI DSS compliance is based on 12 requirements. The specific requirements that apply to your business depend on how you process credit cards.


    PCI DSS Requirements


    Build and maintain a secure network    

    PCI DSS Requirements

    1. Install and maintain a firewall configuration to protect data
    2. Do not use default passwords for system and other security programs


    Protect Cardholder Data

    PCI DSS Requirements

    3. Protect stored cardholder data
    4. Encrypt transmission of cardholder data and sensitive information across open public networks


    Maintain a vulnerability management program

    PCI DSS Requirements

    5. Use and regularly update anti-virus software
    6. Develop and maintain secure systems and applications


    Implement strong access control measures

    PCI DSS Requirements

    7. Restrict access to cardholder data to employees on a need-to-know basis
    8. Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access
    9. Restrict physical access to cardholder data


    Regularly monitor and test networks

    PCI DSS Requirements

    10. Track and monitor all access to network resources and cardholder data
    11. Regularly test security systems and processes


    Maintain an information security policy

    PCI DSS Requirements

    12. Maintain a policy that addresses information security within your business

    To help you better understand these requirements, we have a dedicated PCI DSS help line you can call on 0330 808 0798 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday).

  • We write to all Cardnet merchants when they join us to explain their PCI DSS reporting options and how to use the Cardnet merchant PCI portal. The Cardnet merchant PCI portal offers a range of services and options to assist merchants with reporting, attaining and maintaining their compliance with PCI DSS, including a dedicated PCI Helpdesk and online chat facility.

    Merchants may choose to self-upload their compliance documents to the Cardnet PCI portal at no charge or opt for our assisted online reporting service or our Compliance Plus service.

  • You need to renew your PCI DSS compliance each year or at any time you change how you process card payments. This is to reflect possible changes to your processes or card acceptance equipment, and changes in the Standard itself as it adapts to new security threats or market requirements. Usually, PCI DSS compliance is far easier in subsequent years and won’t take as long to complete.

  • We have a dedicated team to help you become and stay compliant.

    Call on 0330 8080798 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) if you have any questions regarding PCI DSS.

  • If your business is processing card payments and you’re not yet compliant with PCI DSS, you are likely to be paying a monthly PCI DSS non-compliance charge. Your card acceptance services and machines could also be revoked.

  • If you have third parties involved in processing or storing card transaction data on your behalf, you need to ensure that they are compliant. Third parties can include software providers, payment service providers, web hosting companies, EPOS and till vendors, to name just a few.

  • From 14th March 2022 a greater level of authentication was introduced for online payments. Here are some useful documents we’ve developed to remind you of the process.

    SCA FAQ document (PDF, 152KB)

    Visa merchant bulletin (PDF, 611KB)

    EMV 3D Secure information (PDF, 2.87MB)

Contact numbers

Lloyds Bank Online payments

  • To start, you’ll need a website, products and services to sell on the website, and a shopping cart to facilitate the sales. You will also need a payment gateway to process your transactions and an acquiring bank to settle the funds into your bank account.

    Lloyds Bank Cardnet will serve as both your Online Payments Provider (payment gateway) and your acquiring bank. We also offer dedicated support for developers wanting to integrate our payment gateway with various types of shopping cart software.

  • A payment gateway allows you to accept payments for the items you sell via your website. In the checkout process on your ecommerce website, the gateway will handle the part where customers enter their payments details. It encrypts sensitive information, such as shoppers’ credit card numbers, to ensure payments are processed securely.

  • The payment gateway transfers the details of each transaction from your website to your acquiring bank. Without it, you couldn’t get paid for online sales.

  • An online shopping cart is a piece of software that allows your customers to select items to purchase via your website. The shopping cart merely catalogues a customer’s sections, but a payment gateway is required to process the payment.

  • An acquiring bank is a financial institution that transfers card payment funds from the customer’s bank (the card-issuing bank) into the merchant’s bank account. As a merchant, you pay the acquiring bank a Merchant Service Charge (MSC) for every card payment you accept.

    With Lloyds Bank Online Payments, Cardnet serves as your payment gateway as well as your acquiring bank, reducing setup and admin time.

  • Our pricing is clear and simple to understand, consisting of a flat monthly fee and a pence-per-transaction fee. These fees cover all features of Lloyds Bank Online Payments, including the Fraud Prevention tool.

    You will continue to pay a separate Merchant Service charge for Cardnet’s acquiring services.

  • You’ll be able to accept debit and credit card payments from Visa, Mastercard, Diners, Discover and American Express, as well as digital wallets Apple Pay, Google Pay and PayPal.

  • The Lloyds Bank Online Payments service comes with an advanced fraud screening tool to help protect you and your customers. This includes 3D Secure and automated cardholder address verification (AVS). It will also scan over 10,000 rules and patterns to determine whether a transaction is unusual and therefore more likely to be fraudulent.

    In addition to our fraud screening tool, we’ll also work closely with you or your web developer to ensure your online shop is fully PCI DSS compliant.

  • In order to set up a Hosted Payment Page you will need to create a merchant acquiring account with Cardnet. This usually takes between 7-10 working days, subject to application approval. The integration from the website to the hosted payment page will depend on your website requirements. Typically, this can take 2-4 weeks, but may take longer depending on what you need your website to do.

  • In order to set up with our integrated page you will need to create a merchant acquiring account with Cardnet. This usually takes between 7-10 working days, subject to application approval. As you are hosting the payment page on your own website, you should discuss the full requirements with your web developer to determine how long set up will take.

  • Contact us through our customer form on the developer information page and we’ll provide you with user credentials for our test environment, together with support material to help you get started.

  • If you use the Hosted Payment Page solution, Cardnet is responsible for processing and storing the payment data securely. If you choose an integrated payment page (API), you as the merchant are responsible for processing and storing the payment data. As a merchant, you are still responsible for completing your PCI DSS questionnaire.

Over-the-phone payments

Omnichannel payments

  • The main difference is that multichannel is when a business has a choice of channels for customers to buy products and services on, including online or face-to-face. Payments made on these channels are usually processed and managed separately. Omnichannel is when, regardless of channel used, every payment is connected through a payment gateway, giving the customer a more consistent and integrated shopping experience.

  • Customer payment data is encrypted to the highest industry standards, helping you deliver the highest levels of integrated payments security. You will also have access to a fraud screening tool that monitors customer activity and helps stop potentially fraudulent transactions being processed – protecting both your business and your customers from financial harm.

  • The omnichannel payment gateway can connect to mobile, in-store, click and collect, telephony and eCommerce channels.

  • Tokenisation is a system designed to replace a sensitive piece of data, like a customer’s card details, for a randomised number known as a ‘token’ that has no financial meaning or value. It allows a merchant to recognise the customer and their data the next time the card is used, keeping the customer’s card details securely stored within a payment gateway, meaning the merchant never sees any sensitive information and doesn’t have to worry about storing that data.

    Tokens can also help businesses to better understand customer requirements and behaviours, such as telling you the channel someone used, how they paid and even the amount they spent.
