Employers and universities say that they actively look for work experience in applications, so a part-time job can look really positive on your CV.

But every teenager is different. It's important to balance the benefits of a job with making sure you have plenty of time for homework and relaxing.

Benefits of a part-time job

From teamwork to communication, you'll learn a whole new set of skills. Plus, a part-time job can give you more independence and help build a good work ethic for the future. And now you're earning money of your own, you'll be able to save for the things you want.

Jobs to look for

Here are some typical part-time jobs that you could look for:

  • working in a restaurant or cafe
  • retail jobs at your local shop, supermarket or garden centre
  • odd jobs – washing cars or mowing lawns
  • dog walking and dog/cat-sitting.

Ask friends and family for ideas and contacts, check the local paper for adverts, look online and listen out for where your friends are working.

Applying for jobs

Applying for a job can be as simple as asking in your local shop about work, or talking to your neighbour about mowing their lawn. But some jobs require a CV and an interview.

Here are some typical interview questions you might get asked:

  • Do you have any experience of this kind of job?
  • What skills can you bring to this job?
  • What are your strengths?
  • Do you like to work alone or as part of a team?
  • Why do you want to work here in particular?

Before the interview, think about some examples of how you’ve worked with family members, school friends and teachers in the past. You can use anything from your life to highlight skills or experiences you already have – think sports teams, clubs, student councils, orchestras or even team project work in class.

Don’t know where to start? There’s some great advice on writing a CV, getting work experience and more on My World of Work.

What about volunteering?

Finding a paid job isn't always easy. That's why volunteering can be a great way to get valuable experience. It can be especially useful for a career where people skills are important.

Tips for teenagers at work

  • Be on time – aim to get there a little early.
  • Dress for the job – make sure your clothes are clean, tidy and fit the job. If in doubt about what to wear, ask.
  • Listen carefully, speak clearly and remember to smile!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions – you want to learn.
  • Turn off your phone, or leave it at home.
  • This may be your first job, but it won’t be your last. There’s always something to learn and the skills you pick up now could be useful for life.
  • And finally, make sure you create a good impression. Your current employer might end up being a reference for a job in the future.

Your Smart Start guides

Make the most of your accounts

  • Set up Internet Banking
  • Manage your money on your mobile
  • A-Z of banking terms
  • How to prove who you are.
Get started Get started


  • Using your contactless Visa debit card
  • Tips on budgeting
  • Ways to make payments
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  • Tips to help you reach your savings goal
  • 5 benefits of saving
  • 4 ways to get ahead with saving
  • Save the Change®
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  • Card freezing
  • 5 ways to stay money safe
  • Staying safe on social media
Learn more about money Learn more about money

Are there any rules about teens and work?

Yes. The Government set rules on how long teens can work for. This varies depending on whether it is term time or school holidays. 

To prevent teens working in places that could be bad for their health, education, or well-being, there are rules on the type of work allowed.

For the most up-to-date information and details about how much the National Minimum Wage is for teens, visit the government website.

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