Paying for things online can be quick and easy.
But having to input your personal and payment details each time you checkout on different websites can be time consuming.
Especially if you don’t have your card to hand.
Now, there’s an easier way. Click to Pay means you can checkout in just a few clicks.
Instead of having to type your payment details every time, just tap Click to Pay and your details are automatically pre-populated securely, protected by Visa’s payment security.
So you can pay for your online purchase with fewer clicks – and get on with your day.
It’s easy to set up Click to Pay in your Mobile Banking app.
Logon and search for Click to Pay. There’s a step-by-step guide to help at the bottom of this page.
The next time you’re paying for something online and see Click to Pay, choose this option for an easier and secure checkout.
The first time you use Click to Pay, we’ll verify that it’s really you either by device authentication or by sending you a unique code.
You can tap ‘Remember me’ on trusted devices to skip this step in future.
That’s it. You can now use Click to Pay wherever you see the Click to Pay logo when using your Visa debit card.
Look out for more retailers adding Click to Pay to their websites.
Easy, smart and secure. Making it easy, smart and secure to checkout online.