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Register for a free account today

Complete our quick and easy registration process for free and unlimited access to the International Trade Portal.

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What is the International Trade Portal?

The Lloyds Bank International Trade Portal offers you a powerful, easy to use gateway to explore international trade opportunities and detailed market information.

Whether you’re just starting out as an importer or exporter, or an established international trading business, our portal provides detailed insight on international markets, trade networks and business opportunities.

The International portal helps you to keep on top of the latest developments and trade overseas with confidence.

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Key features and benefits

Uncertainty across both domestic and international markets means it is more important than ever to review your supply chain and potential international business opportunities.

  • Find new buyers and suppliers
    Browse our database of over 1 million buyers and suppliers for your business around the globe.
  • Understand your market
    Access over 20,000 sector-specific market reports and over 180 country profiles, including cultural guidance.
  • Assess the costs
    Calculate custom duties and easily understand import and export restrictions which may impact your business.
  • Discover new opportunities
    Find new opportunities to grow your business through a live tender database, trade show calendars, online marketplaces and much more.


The International Trade Portal is available free to businesses of all sizes.

  • You do not need to be a Lloyds Bank customer to access the International Trade Portal
  • Account holders can give access to up to 50 colleagues to take advantage of the International Trade Portal
  • Once registered, benefit from unlimited access.

Access the International Trade Portal

Access the International Trade Portal

Make use of your free account and find your business’ next  international trade opportunity.

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How to Guide

Find out how to get the most out of the International Trade Portal and see how it can help your business.


Global trade services your business can rely on whatever your size.