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The UKEF General Export Facility (GEF) offers UK based exporters flexible government-backed support to access a range of trade finance and risk management solutions.
The GEF scheme provides a UKEF Guarantee to Lloyds Bank, so that we can provide support through Trade Loans, Letters of Credit, Bonds and Guarantees subject to certain eligibility criteria.
The Export Working Capital Scheme aims to assist UK exporters in gaining access to working capital finance (both pre- and post-shipment) for specific export contracts. The scheme helps small and medium-sized companies grow.
Further information can be found on the UK Export Finance website.
The Bond Support Scheme offers some peace of mind by providing partial guarantees to participating banks under a master bond support agreement in respect of UK exports. Where a bank issues a contract bond (or procures its issue by an overseas bank) in respect of a UK export contract, UKEF will typically guarantee 50% of the value of the bond and up to 80% for advance payment and progress payment bonds.
Please see our dedicated fact sheet (PDF, 314KB) for full details of the UKEF Bond Support Scheme.
UK Export Finance
Further information can be found on the UK Export Finance website.
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