Help and support

Learn how to get the most out of your Lloyds Bank business account. If you're looking for essential business guidance you can access our guides.

Grow your digital skills

Grow your digital skills

Our vision is to help Britain prosper by giving everyone the chance to gain and improve their digital skills.

Digital Skills

Guides to help support your business:

Our online collection of online guides and factsheets provided free to Lloyds business customers, including market trends and sector insights. Business Knowledge box can only be accessed from Internet Banking.

Starting a business

We understand the challenges of starting up a new business.

We've brought together a wealth of practical guidance and comprehensive guides to help you plan ahead and get off to the right start.

Managing a business

A close eye on today and a keen eye on tomorrow – they’re two ingredients for a successful business.

Our range of practical guides and resources can help you manage your business now and as you look ahead.

International business

Trading internationally can bring new, and different, benefits to your business. Before deciding to trade internationally however, you will need to do your homework.

We’ll guide you through the steps you’ll need to consider.