You won’t pay a credit card fee to send money to charities abroad

For now, non sterling transaction fees won’t be charged on Lloyds Bank credit card payments, made to non-UK based charities on and since 24th February 2022

How to pay your credit card

We offer a range of payment methods to suit you. Direct Debit is a great option as we’ll claim your payments automatically each month.

Credit card payment options

Request a balance or money transfer

Move existing credit and some store card balances to a single card.

Make a balance transfer

Move funds from your credit card to your UK current account.

Make a money transfer

Disputing credit card charges

If there’s a transaction on your statement that you don’t recognise, or you haven’t received what you paid for, we could help you.

Credit card payment disputes

Bank of England Base Rate announcement

Find out about the Bank of England Base Rate and how a change in rates could affect your credit card.

Base Rate information

Message us online

Get answers to your everyday banking questions. Log on to our app or Internet Banking to get in touch.

How to message us

Help with money worries

If you’re ever experiencing money worries, please let us know so we can find a way to help.

Help with money worries